As the most populated city in the country, New York is a hub for people from various walks of life – people who can be polite and don’t mind getting to know each other.
New Yorkers are an interesting lot. Because of their focus on their careers, they tend to be thought of as power-hungry or very ambitious. In truth, they fear loneliness, and so they turn to bar hopping to meet singles like them. Being a New Yorker means that your career comes first, though in reality, the people are looking for that special someone who they can share their life with. They’re not a snobbish people – they just find it harder to commit.
New York has a corner for everyone. There are arcades, bowling alleys, and pool halls for fun dating. Colleges for intellectual pursuits, gyms for those who want to experience physical fitness together, parks for romantic walks, and spoken word lounges for the intellectual and spiritual type.
For specific spots, Mars 2112 is the place for a fun date. For something more formal, the Water Club and Manhattan Grille are sound choices, and for formal Italian, Brielle’s the place to go. If you just want to sit down and have a nice leisurely date, go to Central Park or Washington Square Park. Bars are not that romantic, though clubs with good music are nice. There’s the Midtown, the Lower East Side, The Knitting Factory, and Tribes. If it’s the classical arts your date craves, bring him/her to the New York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera. And for a really interesting afternoon, drop by Union Square – bookstores, costume stores, and music stores galore.
If you can’t afford an expensive date, take her on a ride on the Staten Island Ferry at sunset. Feel the sun’s rays and the wind’s touch, and enjoy the beauty around you.
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